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O. A. Troshichev, L. P. Gabis, L. V. Egorova, V. Ya. Vovk, A. V. lanjoura. Influence of solar activity and solar wind variations on atmospheric processes in Southern polar region

The detail analysis of the aerological data from Vostok Station (Antarctica) for 1976-1991 made it possible to find the dramatic changes of the troposphere temperature influenced by fluctuations of the interplanetary magnetic (IMF) coupling with the magnetos-phere. The warming is observed at ground level and cooling at h>10 km in case of negative changes of the IMF. There is a linear relationship between value of the interplanetary electric field (Esw) and ground temperature at Vostok Station: the larger is leap in the Esw the stronger is temperature deviation. The effect reaches maximum within one day and is damped equally quickly. The pressure and wind in troposphere appropriately response to the Esw changes. It is suggested that the interplanetary electric field influences the katabatic system of atmospheric circulation, typical of the winter Antarctic. As a result of the permanent flowing of the cold air masses from the ice dome downwards to the coast, the stable circumpolar vortex is built up in the southern hemisphere in winter season. This vortex prevents entrance of ozone to the central Antarctic from outside and favors the ozone hole formation. Collapse of the circumpolar vortex in spring leads to filling the hole. It is shown that the total ozone recovery time and rate in the central Antarctic is regulated by level of the solar UV irradiation.

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